
data class PosTokenizeCardParams(val posForageConfig: PosForageConfig, val track2Data: String, val reusable: Boolean = true)

A model that represents the parameters that ForageTerminalSDK requires to tokenize a card via a magnetic swipe from a physical POS Terminal. This data class is not supported for online-only transactions. PosTokenizeCardParams are passed to the tokenizeCard method.


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constructor(posForageConfig: PosForageConfig, track2Data: String, reusable: Boolean = true)


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Required. The PosForageConfig configuration details required to authenticate with the Forage API.

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val reusable: Boolean = true

Optional. A boolean that indicates whether the same card can be used to create multiple payments. Defaults to true.

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Required. The information encoded on Track 2 of the card’s magnetic stripe, excluding the start and stop sentinels and any LRC characters. Example value: "123456789123456789=123456789123"