
data class PosForageConfig(val merchantId: String, val sessionToken: String)

PosForageConfig is only valid for in-store POS Terminal transactions via ForageTerminalSDK.

The configuration details that Forage needs to create a functional ForageElement.

Pass a PosForageConfig instance in a call to setPosForageConfig to configure an Element. PosForageConfig is also passed as a parameter to PosTokenizeCardParams.


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constructor(merchantId: String, sessionToken: String)

Creates an instance of the PosForageConfig data class.


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A unique Merchant ID that Forage provides during onboarding preceded by "mid/". For example, mid/123ab45c67. The Merchant ID can be found in the Forage Sandbox or Production Dashboard.

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A short-lived token that authenticates front-end requests to Forage. To create one, send a server-side POST request from your backend to the /session_token/ endpoint.